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Introducing Brian Neill©

A Living Man

Cute Notebooks

About Me

We are living in a world of corruption and illusion, created by a criminal establishment. This web site accurately portrays my true identity in plain-simple-English. It also show my fictitious identity created by fraud using the Registration process and the use of ALL CAPS NAMES. This corrupt means of control has been set up to remove our freedoms and rights including the right to own property.

No court or government department or agency including the corporate police have jurisdiction over me. I will never answer to my fictitious identity MR BRIAN NEILL or any format of that name except Brian Neill unless I so choose. Any official document/ID. I.E., PASSPORT, DRIVING LICENSE, Tax/NI Number, or Legalese identity provided by the state,(created by using deception and fraud), may be used by me to interact with others if I so choose. For the avoidance of doubt in any interaction I am always the beneficiary. If the State, or any arm of the State, or any Corporation makes any claim on Brian Neill, Full Disclosure will be required by all parties involved in the Registration and ALL CAPS NAMES process

The State (Banks) have stolen our rights using the CESTUI QUE VIE ACT. We own nothing if we have registered a Thing, including our Bank acts, Land, Home,Businesses, Cars etc. We also give our kids up as securitised debt on birth registration removing their freedoms and rights. We presently have the 'use of' all aforementioned and can sell that use on. Because we dont solely own a Registered Thing, that right 'of use' can be removed which may leave us all destitute. In any event if we own nothing we are slaves.

Brian Neill holds the Executors office of the BRIAN NEILL estate. He is always the beneficiary and will appoint trustees and administrators as he sees fit, Brian Neill is not a number, he is a freeman.

Brian Neill© is copyright, there to expose and shine a light on the corrupt forces in control of our Government, Banks, Justice, Media, and the Corporate elite, that have enslaved us all.

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